A Whole New ‘Do

Have you ever had one of those days at work where you’re so overwhelmed by what you need to get done that you don’t do anything? Yeah, today’s one of those days.

Instead, I played around with the blog! To explain the things I added to my pin board from left to right:

  1.  Shiner Bock Sticker – Since moving to Texas, we discovered Shiner. It’s great- my new favorite beer!
  2. Rose-Hulman Fightin’ Engineers Pennant – The hubs and I both graduated from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology with engineering degrees. The mean looking elephant is Rosie, our mascot. Yeah, we’re nerdy. And we love it.
  3. Pi Kappa Alpha Flag and I ❤ Delta Delta Delta Button – The hubs and I were very active in Greek Life while at school and some of our best friends are members of our fraternities (also, we officially met for the first time at a Pike/Tri-Delt mixer 🙂
  4. Indianapolis Colts Ticket – The hubs and I are big Colts fans. I mean huge. Rabid. And it was a Colts game that initially brought us together… but more on that in a later post.
  5. Recipe card – I love to cook. I discovered half way through my mechanical engineering degree that while I’m not just an okay engineer, I’d make an awesome chef. When I grow up, I’m going to open a bakery. Probably.
  6. Black and White Photo – This is my favorite engagement photo of the hubs and I.
  7. Tree Photo – I love this photo of the hubs and I’s wedding. Our photographers were wonderful (check our their blog here)!
  8. Photos of Indy and Fievel – I’ve got to flash photos of my kids around!
  9. Howdy from Dallas – The hubs and I’s new hometown.
  10. The Little House – This is the hubs and I’s first home, as seen in yesterday’s post.
  11. Map – This is White Rock Lake, our favorite place to ride our bikes (it’s 9 miles around), have a picnic, and take Indy to run.

So that’s a little insight into what makes us tick here at Little House. The site is always a work in progress, but I hope you like the changes! And because every post needs a picture, here’s the hubs and I at homecoming my senior year in college. Can’t wait to get to dear old Rose this year for the bonfire!

What do you think of our update? Do you need Photoshop as badly as I do? Do you go back to your alma mater for Homecoming?

11 thoughts on “A Whole New ‘Do

  1. Ha! Love the theme.. I use the same one for my food blog :o)

    If you’re on a mac, I use a great little app called Pixelmator. You can get it through the mac app store. It does a lot of the every day stuff Photoshop does without the big price tag. http://www.pixelmator.com/

    My blog posts don’t usually have a need for it but I use it for my workplace.

  2. Love the new banner!! I love that you added things that were important to you! I have the Adobe Creative Suite and it has changed my life. That’s what I used when designing our wedding invites! It’s sort of a splurge, but totally worth it.

    PS – My fiancee and I were both in Greek Life (my big introduced us). Instead of going back for homecoming, we go for Alumni Weekend (which is actually more fun)!

  3. The new header looks great! And I’m actually procrastinating on my thesis by catching up on all the blogs right now (I’ve been disconnected for a few weeks while on vacation) so I get the feeling of being overwhelmed by so much work, hehe.

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